
Basic Usage

import cv2  # For webcam input
from kenzy_image.core import detector

# Create our Kenzy Detector Object
myImageDetector = detector(detectFaces=True, 
                           objModelType="ssd",  # or yolo

# Add Named Faces to Recognize
myImageDetector.addFace("IMG_4291_portrait_jon.jpg", "Jon Doe")
myImageDetector.addFace("IMG_7033_portrait_jane.jpg", "Jane Doe")

# Open the camera stream
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

while True:

    # Read frame from camera
    ret, frame =

    # Analyze with kenzy_image

    print("FACES     =", len(myImageDetector.faces))
    print("OBJECTS   =", [x.get("name") for x in myImageDetector.objects])
    print("MOVEMENTS =", True if len(myImageDetector.movements) > 0 else False)

    # Show the frame with markup
    cv2.imshow('KENZY_IMAGE', myImageDetector.image)

    # Loop until [Esc] or "q"
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


detector Constructor

Variable Default Description
orientation 0 Image orientation. (0, 90, 180, or 270)
detectFaces True Enable/disable face detection
detectObjects True Enable/disable object detection
detectMotion True Enable/disable motion detection
imageMarkupFaces True Enables drawing face outlines on detector.image
imageMarkupObjects True Enables drawing object outlines on detector.image
imageMarkupMotion True Enables drawing motion outlines on detector.image
scaleFactor 1.0 Scale coefficient to apply to original image
0.75 = scale source image to 75% to improve performance
defaultFaceName "Unknown" The label to use for any faces detected but not recognized
faceModel "hog" Face model to use (hog or cnn)
faceFontColor (255, 255, 255) Color as RGB tuple for text of face name
faceOutlineColor (0, 0, 255) Color as RGB tuple for box around the face
showFaces True Enable drawing outlines around faces on detector.image
objModelType ssd Sets the model type (can be yolo or ssd)
objDetectCfg String Sets the path to the configuration for the inference model
objDetectModel String Sets the inference model to use for objects
objDetectLabels String Sets the path to the object labels list file
objDetectList String Limits list of objects to detect detection (optional)
objFontColor (255, 255, 255) Color as RGB tuple for text of object name
objOutlineColor (255, 0, 0) Color as RGB tuple for box around the object
showObjectNames True Enable drawing outlines around objects on detector.image
motionThreshold 20 Threshold of color change between frames indicating motion
motionMinArea 50 Minimum pixel area of change indicating motion
motionOutlineColor (255, 0, 0) Color as RGB tuple for box around the motion

Return Values

The detector.analyze() processes the supplied image and saves the results into variables as defined below:

Variable Type Description
detector.faces list Listing of faces detected, their location in the image,
and their name if known
detector.objects list Listing of objects detected, their location within the image,
and their type (e.g. "cellphone")
detector.movements list Listing of all areas where movement was identified
with their bounding boxes in the image

In the Basic Usage section above it shows a very simple example of how these values could be leveraged.

Yolov7 - objDetectCfg

For yolo models you can supply your own configuration to change the confidence score, IOU, and channels.

import cv2  # For webcam input
from kenzy_image.core import detector

# Create our Kenzy Detector Object
myImageDetector = detector(detectFaces=True, 
                               "libary": "yolov7",
                               "confidence": 0.5,
                               "iou": 0.45,
                               "size": 640,
                               "augment": False

Optimizing Performance & Results

  • Object detection is currently using Yolov7 with the COCO data set from the yolov7-tiny model.
  • To use motion detection you must have at least 2 image frames sent via .analyze() as it calculates the difference between the two images to identify motion. For best results consider using a video or camera feed.
  • You may need to increase the motionMinArea to reduce chatter
  • Shrinking the scaleFactor to a decimal between 0 and 1 will improve performance at the cost of accuracy by scaling down the image. Likewise, if you increase this value beyond 1 your results may improve marginally at the expense of performance.